Family Summer Photos – Tips for taking great pictures

Smartphone vacation photos
Zoom in on what counts
Every photo should have a focused center of attention. In a lot of photos these days, which are usually taken in the spur of the moment, the topic of the photo is off to a side or maybe just too small. Size and center make for a better photo and memory.

… but don’t forget the background
Once you have a center piece for the masterpiece, it is important to keep the location and vibe of the photo alive. Whether you are climbing down into deep dark caves and want to capture your families dazzled expressions or swimming in the ocean and see your kids having fun, it’s important to capture the scene of the experience.

Sometimes a little bit of blur is a good thing
You see famous artist paint and create their way with purposeful fuzz. Nothing is stopping you from doing the same with a photo. While this takes a a little knowledge of the camera you are using, which is minimal tops, it is worth the effort in how it can bring the photo into life and art.

Family Vacation Action Shot

Life isn’t a string of photos
Life doesn’t move at 30 frames per second like your favorite movies. It is fluid and alive, just like your photos should be. Don’t stop your kids or family from having fun at the park; instead, take moving photos of them. The photos will show a colorful array of emotions and vibrance.

When you don’t have a professional camera, smartphone!
There is nothing bad about smartphones or admitting that it is your only source of pictures. It’s perfectly acceptable, and actually pretty awesome, that you can literally have a camera in hand 100% of the time. In these instances filters are your friends. Just ask any friendly teenager to help you choose one.

Live in the now
Final advice, and this is good natured advice, don’t forget to participate and not just sit on the sidelines. Having someone else take photos will bring more variety to the photos and will only increase the power of the memories in the futures as you look at that photo album.

Digital photos are the way of the future and for those of you who haven’t yet adapted, now might be a good time. Hard copies of photos are a great way to keep them in plain sight but not a good storage method. They crinkle and tear. And if you leave them alone for long enough, then the moisture in the air will get to them. It’s time for those memories to enter the digital age where there is no risk of deteriorating quality.

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